华南预防医学 ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (8): 926-929.doi: 10.12183/j.scjpm.2022.0926

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王钟华, 杨永超, 肖金萍   

  1. 河北北方学院附属第一医院,河北 张家口 075000
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-18 出版日期:2022-08-20 发布日期:2022-10-08
  • 作者简介:王钟华(1987—),女,硕士研究生,主治医师,研究方向为口腔医学
  • 基金资助:

Dental caries status and influencing factors among junior high school students in Zhangjiakou

WANG Zhong-hua, YANG Yong-chao, XIAO Jin-ping   

  1. The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, China
  • Received:2022-02-18 Online:2022-08-20 Published:2022-10-08

摘要: 目的 探索和分析张家口地区在校初中生龋齿现状以及口腔健康相关行为对该人群龋齿的影响,为开展口腔健康相关行为宣教工作提供依据。方法 采用分层多阶段的抽样方法抽取张家口市12所初中学校,对抽中学校的所有在校初中生进行口腔检查和口腔相关健康行为情况调查,采用描述分析方法对初中生龋齿患病情况进行分析,并采用单、多因素分析方法对口腔健康相关行为对龋齿患病的影响进行分析。结果 本研究共对2 029名在校初中生进行口腔检查及口腔健康行为调查,其中男生1 123名,女生906名,年龄11~14岁;独生子女1 187名,非独生子女842名;父母最高学历是高中及以下1 106人,父母最高学历是中专/大专605人,父母最高学历是本科及以上有318人。共检出龋齿学生724例,龋齿患病率为35.68%,龋均为(2.48 ± 0.77)颗,龋齿充填率为15.67%。多因素分析结果显示,食用睡前甜点(OR=4.455)、每天进食甜品类食物的频率≥2次(OR=2.347)、刷牙方法不正确(OR=4.754)、有错颌畸形(OR=1.956)是初中生龋齿患病的危险因素,每天刷牙≥2次(OR=0.293)、乳牙萌发后有刷牙习惯(OR=0.262)、家长重视(OR=0.384)、对刷牙出血理解正确(OR=0.304)是初中生龋齿患病的保护因素。结论 张家口地区在校初中生龋齿患病率仍然较高,不良饮食习惯、刷牙习惯、家长重视程度以及牙齿知识了解程度影响了龋齿的发生,需要家长以及社会提高对在校初中生龋齿的关注程度。

关键词: 龋齿, 口腔健康, 中学生, 儿童, 青少年, 影响因素

Abstract: Objective To explore and analyze the status of dental caries among junior high school students in Zhangjiakou and the impact of oral health-related behaviors on dental caries in this population, to provide a basis for the publicity and education of oral health-related behaviors. Methods A stratified and multi-stage random sampling method was used to select middle schools. Oral examination and oral health-related behavior survey were conducted on all junior high school students in the selected schools. The descriptive analysis method was used to analyze the prevalence of dental caries among junior high school students, and univariate and multivariate analysis methods were used to analyze the influence of oral health-related behaviors on dental caries. Results A total of 2 029 junior high school students were investigated in oral examination and oral health-related behaviors, including 1 123 boys and 906 girls, aged 11-14 years; 1 187 only children, 842 non-only children; 1 106 parents with the highest education level of high school or below, 605 parents with the highest education level of technical secondary school / junior college, and 318 parents with the highest education level of bachelor or above. A total of 724 students with dental caries were detected, the prevalence rate was 35.68%, and the mean decayed-missing-filled teeth was (2.48 ± 0.77). The filling rate of dental caries was 15.67%. The results of multivariate regression analysis showed that eating sweets before bed (OR=4.455), the frequency of eating desserts≥2 times a day (OR=2.347), incorrect brushing method (OR=4.754), and having malocclusion (OR=1.956) were the risk factors of dental caries in junior high school students; brushing times≥2 times a day (OR=0.293), brushing habit after deciduous tooth eruption (OR=0.262), parental attention (OR=0.384), correctly understanding of brushing bleeding (OR=0.304) were the protective factors of dental caries in junior high school students. Conclusion The prevalence of dental caries among junior high school students in Zhangjiakou is still relatively high. Poor eating habits, tooth brushing habits, parents' attention, and knowledge of dental knowledge affect the occurrence of dental caries. Parents and society need to increase their attention to dental caries in junior high school students.

Key words: Dental caries, Oral health, Middle school student, Children, Adolescents, Influencing factor


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